PSP 9-----Introduction

Pan Tool
Raster Deform Tool
Move tool
Paint Brush


Brush moderates
Picture Tube
Oil painting brush
Flood fill
text tool
Preset shapes
color palette

Since October 2004 Paint Shop 9 is on the market.
The more if you have skipped PSP 8, it's a complete change.
And perhaps you have even never done something with PSP?
I will try to help you with lessons to get to know the program a little bit.

One of the most important attributes in PSP are your toolbar.
These see as follows:

Don't you see this beam, click then even on view - work bars - tools.
To see the institutions of the tools you click on view - palettes - options for tools . (or very simple on F4)

You can have this bar horizontally in your workspace, but you can also drag him off so that it's vertically left in your workspace.
If you click beside the hand (left), You get automatically a move icon and you can drag the bar to a new position.
You can do that in fact with all your bars. Put it down such as you  itself finds pleasant

I will try to explain the tools here a little bit.
If you see a triangle standing at a tool, it means there always more tools in it!
Behind many tools a character stands. This is a quick button. If you hit that character on your keyboard, you automatically go to the associated tool.

Pan Tool
This is therefore your hand (your arrow from PSP 7)
Zoom is grouped here to.
With left clicks becomes everything increased and with Right clicks everything are reduced
Also with your scroll wheel you can zoom in and out.

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Raster Deform Tool
You can deform in image.
If you want to deform a background, you have to change it into a layer.
You can do that by clicking with Right in your layer palette and choose for; Layer makes of context layer.
How and what you can deform? Just try it out.

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Use the crop tool to remove unwanted portions of an image.
You draw a selection around the piece  that you want to keep concerning after cutting out. You can still adjust if you want to.
If you  double-click whit left afterwards it has been cut out, or if you click on the sign that  has been indicated above at the black arrow.

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Move tool
You can move everything on a layer, while the others layers stay intact.
If you hold the left mouse button pressed, you can drag it everywhere you want.
Move a  selection  with your right mouse button pressed.

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To see you therefore 3 different tools sitting.
1 =
You can choose here at selection type which form you selection must (click F4 if you do not realize this your baffle)

2 =
free hand selection
For the freehand selection type, click and drag an outline of the area you want to select.
Itself I finds "from point to point" the most pleasant to work with.
Mark this checkbox (anti alias) to you make a smooth - edged selection.
Each time you click with left, your line is fixed.
Do you make a mistake? By clicking Delete on your keyboard, you will return one step.
Right click to complete the selection.

3 = Magic Wand Tool
Use the magic wand tool to select content rather then defining edges in the image.
For example a border.
Or for example a certain color in an image. By selecting such a color, you can take away the color (delete) or replace it by another color, gradient or a pattern.

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Eye Dropper
Position the cursor over the color in the image
Left click to make this color the foreground color
Right click to make it the background color.

Also color replacer is grouped in this tool.

Click with left on a color in your image that you want to replace and with Right on the color to replace.
At the settings you can choose which form you wants.
How higher your tolerance, how more is replaced. So how closely with the color you want to replace
Couple....someone have a blue trousers with red and yellow flowers. You want to keep the flower, but the trousers himself you wants to
make green.
Then therefore you click on the blue with left and with Right you choose a green color from the layer palette or from your image.
Have you done that , you will be pressed with Right in the trousers and this become green, the flowers will be the same as before.
Play with it, because it is a nice tool.

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Paint Brush
With the brush you can do very much.
You can paint simply, but you can "stamp" also complete blades
Such a blade you calls a brush. You can download them and/or make them yourself.
I will explain it in a later lesson.
Look at your options which possibilities you all have.

Determines the pixel size of the brush. You can adjust
the size value trough the the tool options palette.

Determines how
sharp the edges of the tool are.
Setting this to 100 gives you the sharpest, hardest edge
Setting this to lower values gives you a softer, fading edge.

Determines t
he distance placed between applications of paint during a single (continuous) paint stroke.
Lower Step values yield a smoother, more continuous appearance.
Higher Step values yield a choppier appearance.

Determines the coverage of the paint step.
 At higher values this produces a complete cover: at lower values you get more spots as though you're spraying the image.
If you uses the tool  Airbrush, you must set density to values under 100.

Determines how wide the brush is.

Setting thickness to 100, you get a complete round or square brush (depending on the shape setting).          
As the thickness setting decreases, the brush becomes increasingly narrow.

How well the paint covers the image surface. At 100% opacity the paint covers everything.
At 1% opacity the paint is almost transparent. For the eraser tool this settings determines the level of erasing.

How painted pixels are blended with pixels on underlying layers..
The blend modes are the same as the blend mode of  layers.

                Click here for more information

Continuous Stroke
Specifies whether paints builds up as you apply multiple strokes of less than 100% opacity over the same area.
If this check box is marked, paint maintains a continuous color and repainting an area has no effect.
If this checkbox is cleared (the default), each brush stroke over the same area applies more paint: the color darkens until it reaches 100% opacity.

Wet Look Paint:
Mimics wet painting with soft colors inside and a darker ring at the edge.
Decrease the hardness setting from its maximum of 100% to see the effect.

Paint Behind:
Works on layered images only. Wheb a layer is selected, Paint Behind paints behind the data currently on that layer
No paint will be visible when the topmost layer and active layer are both fully opaque.

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Click with Right in the part which you want to clone, with left  you clone that what you wants.
Aligned mode; The clone brush tool paint from the point of the source area relative to the first point you clicked on the target area each time you stop and start painting again.
Sample merged: Clone data from all layers merged together
Scratches remove: draw with the tool a selection around the scratches on the photograph. If you release the button the scratch that's in the selection will be delayed
Are there a lot of scratches?
Go to > Enhance photo > automatic small scratch remover

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 Brush moderates
This brush uses areas or edges in your image what needs to be updated.
With Dodge you make the part of the image your go on, a little lighter.
Burn does correctly the reverse and makes it therefore darker.
With Soften you can moderate the edge of a tube even what less sharp to make
Emboss: It lets the forefront from the context come up oppressing color and in black edges to trace

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The eraser speaks for itself, I think. At the options for tools you can choose for a round gum or another form and the size of your eraser.
The background eraser is something very different. Can certain colors remove. Such as for example the sky around a church turret.
You just have to try it.
Read here more about the background eraser

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Picture Tube
Picture Tubes are transparent images, which can be introduced with the tool Picture tube on a background or a layer.
I always advise to put a tube on a new raster layer, so you can still move it.
I have stored my tubes in a folder as called PSP-tubes, which I can open when I need it.
If I put each tube I have in my Picture tube map, it lasts an hour before  PSP is started, because he will charge them all then. water mark (signature) is in it, because I use these very much.
The options mean the following:

1: Click on the dart: here find you everything what you have in your Picturetube; you can choose between large and small pictograms
2: The properties of the chosen item
3: Scale: percentage for increasing and reducing: of 10 - 250%
4: Step: the distance in pixels is (1 up to 500) between the middle of each blade brush
5: Placement mode:

6: Selection mode:

Later I will learn you in a lesson how to make a picture tubes and stores it.

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Oil Painting Brush

Here you can make beautiful paintings.
Here too applies... try it simply all out
Perhaps skilful to tell you what all settings does:

  • Shape: choises include round or square.

  • Size: defines the size of the tool head in pixels.
    Thickness: Defines the aspect ratio of the tool head.
    This setting is only active when the
    fixed angle head tracking option is chosen.  

  • Rotation: Defines the angle of head rotation in degrees.

  • Head Tracking: choose track path to have the brush head bend around the path of the stroke, or choose fixed angle to have the brush head remain at a fixed angle.

  • Head Loading: Defines (in percentage) the amount of material on the brush at the start of the stroke.

  • Viscosity: Defines the rate at which the material on the brush is applied, and thus the length of the Stroke before your paint runs out.

  • Firmness: Defines the amount of splay how the rendered lines gets wider with more pressure, and how well it penetrates the surface on to which it is painting .

  • Bristle size: Defines the bristle size affects the underlying noise function for texture and application of paint.

  • Reloading:  The method by which the brush is reloaded after a stroke. As note above this could evolve requiring the user to pick up paint from the canvas or mixer , automatically reloading , cleaning and reloading the brush or other options.

  • Autoclean (check box): when marked this checkbox simulates cleaning the brush and dipping it in fresh paint at the start of a new stroke.  When unchecked, the brush head is not cleaned at the start of the stroke.  In stead the dirty head has a small amount of the current color added to whatever dirty head state exists from the previous stroke.

  • Clean (button): click  this button to clean the head and make a new stroke with new painting or new pigment. This button is only active when the auto clean box is not marked.

  • Trace (check box): when marked, the current Art Media tool will select the pigment/paint color by sampling the data below the center of the brush regardless of the layer type. When you hold down the mouse button to begin the stroke, note that a single sample is performed, and the resulting color is used for the duration of the stroke.


The auto clean check box and the clean button are only available with the tools Oil brush and palette knife.

This tool has many possibilities. You can mix colors. Click on shift + F6 to get your mixing panel in your screen.
In later tutorials I will get further on to this.

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You can fill a selection or a layer with the foreground or background color, pattern or gradient.
Click with your left mouse button to fill with the forefront color.
Click with Right to fill with the background color.

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Text tool
With texts you can do splendid things. Comment on a photo is just one example.
You can make you text in several ways.

Raster text as a floating selection. This type of text can be placed the bests on its own raster layer because else the text will be merged with the current layer. As a result, the text would be very difficult to edit.

Vector creates text that resides on a vector layer. This is the most editable form of text
Creates a selection marquee in the shape of the text characters. They can simply be moved.
You can treat the selection as you would any made from the selection tools in that it can be moved, copied, filled etc...
If you add a drop shadow to an empty selection, you will get a watermark.

Direction: you can choose if you want to placed the text horizontal or vertical.
Character types:
There are standard a considerable number of characters in PSP. A character type also is called a font.
There are thousands of downloads on Internet of these fonts. You do not have to store them all in PSP or in windows.
You make a folder on your pc where you put all downloaded fonts in.
If you want to use one of the fonts, you go to that folder and open the font.
Then you minimize it (make small, so that it's only still visible at the bottom) and it will appears  in your list in  PSP.
There it will stay until you close it. By doing it this way you diminish the overload of your pc.

At size you determe the size of the character.
region breadth:
The flood fill of your text character shall always have  your background color, gradient or pattern.
If you want a border on your text character with the forefront color, determine on the stroke breadth how thick the border must be.

In later lessons I will return to this, how you can make a text for example around a shape.

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Preset Shapes

You can use the tool preset shapes to sign all kinds of shapes and symbols. That can be on a raster layer or on a vector layer.
Style preserves:
Don't mark the selection box in the palette options for tool if you
want to define the properties of and the filling of the form .
If this option has been eliminated, the preset shapes are signed with the
current properties for forefront/brushed and/or context/filling as
established in the palette material.

If you want the preset shape looks just like the way as
in the list with forms, you mark the selection box style to preserve.
If you select this option, the institutions of the palette material
are ignored.
Couple of other options for the tool in:

  • On vector make: Select this option to place the object on the current
    vector layer. If there is no vector layer, a vector layer is made for
    this object. If you do not select this option, the form will be placed on a raster layer.

  • Line style: Choose in the choice list a style for
    the stroke of the preset shape. For an ordinary line you
    choose + leveled.

  • Breadth: Establish the stroke breadth in

  • Anti-alias: Select this option on the object, the edges become more fluent.

  • To link:
    Choose one of the three connection types. With contumacy angle (comes the
    institution contumacy limit available) becomes the angles sharper.
    With round angle the angles are wound up.
    And with the last you make a beveled connection.

  • Contumacy limit: (Only available if you choose contumacy angle) you
    can establish the angle for contumacy angles.
    With lower values you make less sharp connections and with higher
    values the connections become sharper.

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Color palette

If you must fill in a color code
A click with left in your forefront color (or background color) gives you
this screen  (this is only one bit of that screen)
At HTML stands a code.
If you change that code in the given up code, your color changes also

According to me I here now explained enough to start whit PSP 9
If you have questions, you can always e-mail me.
Off course I don't know everything, for that the program is too extended
But I will always try to help you.
A lot of success!